Monday 6th November, 2023

Kia ora koutou,

Riders enjoying the stunning sights and weather during the trailride on the weekend.

It was a huge weekend for Omihi School with our major fundraiser of the year. We purposefully don’t have a lot of small fundraisers, as we know how busy our families are. So it was so lovely to be a part of this and see our community come together to make it happen.

A big thank you to Todd McBreen and James Blanchard from Precision Yamaha for creating the tracks, all of their work behind the scenes leading up to this, and making it happen on the day. And to Precision Yamaha for sponsoring this event. They ensured we had all of our costs covered before the event even happened! Thank you to the Evans and Littles for allowing us to use your stunning farms. Thank you to Sofia Sloss who organised the BBQ, Julie Wells who organised the registration, and to all of our volunteers who came out to support us on the day, including those that picked up stuff for us the day before. We are excited to let you know that we raised $18,000 for our school!

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Food Truck Friday @ Omihi Community Hall
We have collaborated with Rural Support North Canterbury to create an event for our wider community. It will be held at the Omihi Community Hall from 5-9pm on Friday 1st March, 2024. This will be a chance for our community to come together to connect, chat and eat some yummy kai. It is not a fundraiser, just an opportunity to connect. We will have live music, and are now in the process of finding food trucks to be a part of it. If you have a food truck, or know of someone that does, please contact Maree -

Small School Athletics
We will be joining Broomfield and Waipara Schools for athletics tomorrow at Waipara School. Here is the timetable. Please make sure you have let Kelly know if your child is coming on the bus or if you are meeting us there.

Year 0-3 Kowai Sports Spectacular
Our year 0-3 children will be participating in this across the road at the Omihi Domain on Wednesday 22nd November from 10am - 2pm. You are very welcome to come and watch. If there is anyone that could help with an activity, please let Georgie know.

John Parsons - Cyber Safety
John Parsons will be coming to work with our students and staff on Tuesday 28th November. He is also going to do a parent session for us in the evening at 6.30pm. We will have a movie playing in the classrooms if you want to bring your children, and the parent session will be in Kahiwi. He has a lot of great information on how you can keep your children safe online. This is a free session, and please feel free to invite anyone else that may be interested. Please sign up here if you are coming, so we can ensure we have enough staff to supervise students, or email Maree -

Transition Days for 2024
Our teachers are staying in their current classrooms in 2024, and the year groups will be staying the same. Year 0-2 in Paemoana, Year 3-5 in Awaawa and Year 6-8 in Tūpari. During the rest of the term we will be having some transition days where the current Year 2’s spend the day in Awaawa with Mrs Vincent, and the current Year 5’s spend the day in Tūpari with Miss Fletcher. The first one is next Monday.

School Pool Key
If you would like to purchase a pool key, please email Bryleigh -  It is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. This includes a $20 refundable bond when you return the key.

This term we are having a whole school assembly in Kahiwi on Friday 10th November. We welcome you to come along from 2pm. 

Report Comments
This Friday you will be receiving your child’s writing and reading comments through Hero. Please let us know if you don’t receive these.

Community Notices

Omihi School Office