Monday 4th December, 2023

Kia ora koutou

Our wonderful Year 8 leader, Macy.

I would like to say a big thank you to Chantelle White who has been our student teacher for the past two years. Chantelle completes her course at the end of this year and has a job at Hurunui College next year. We wish her all the best.

Macy has been our only Year 8 leader this year, and it has been lovely to see her leadership skills shine. She has been a great role model to her peers, and is always a kind and caring friend to the junior students. She shows lovely tuakana teina strengths. We wish Macy all the best for her transition to high school next year, and hope she will come back and visit us.

Thank you to all of our parent helpers this year. Thanks to our BOT - Julie, Craig, Emma and Georgie, our bus drivers Fi and Emma, our librarian Yo, our gardener Fi, our cleaner Sharryn, our office manager Bryleigh, our teachers Kelly, Penny and Georgie, our relievers Elizabeth and Liz. You all have our students’ best interests at heart, and it’s wonderful to work with such a dedicated team. And especially thanks to our amazing students. They really are a pleasure to teach.

Next year I have been awarded a 10 week sabbatical. I will split this into two blocks throughout the year. Adrienne Simpson will be in the Acting Principal role while I’m away. Adrienne was Principal at Woodend School, and is now retired, although I still work with her regularly in our Professional Learning Group.

Have a lovely Christmas everyone, and we look forward to seeing you all next year.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Year 5 - 8 Camp
Next year’s camp is from the 3rd - 5th April in Kaikoura. The cost will be approximately $200-220, we will confirm this early 2024. We are looking for parent helpers. Please fill out this form if you would like to come as a parent help.

Stationery Lists
Here are the stationery lists for 2024. Please go on and order these so they arrive in time for the start of the year.

Prize giving/Whānau Picnic
We welcome you to our 2023 Prize giving on Wednesday 13th December at 11am at the Omihi Community Hall. We then welcome you to bring a picnic lunch and join us for a whānau picnic from 12 - 1pm back at school. All children to be picked up at 1pm please.

Science Roadshow
We are hosting this at the Omihi Community Hall on Thursday 7th December. Tūpari will be attending a workshop, and helping run the workshops all day. The rest of the school will be attending at 10am.

Food Truck Friday
We are excited to be collaborating with Rural Support North Canterbury to create ‘Food Truck Friday’ on Friday 1st March 2024, across the road at the Omihi Community Hall. All details on poster below….spread the word and help us create a great community event. Bring a picnic rug, and enjoy dinner with friends, and live music from our very own Kelly Fletcher.

Our last day of school is Wednesday 13th December, and we start again on Tuesday 30th January. School will be closed on Monday 5th February, before Waitangi day on the 6th February. There is also a teacher only day on Friday 15th March.

Swimming Pool
Thanks to Kurt who has been looking after our swimming pool, it should be open very soon! Please remember to send togs and towels each day. If your child has a rash vest, we encourage them to wear this.

Pool Party
The Hurunui District Council is holding a pool party at our school pool on Thursday 25 January 2024, 11am - 1pm. See the community notices section below for the full list of pool party dates across the region throughout January.

School Accounts
Account statements will be sent this week to families who have unpaid invoices remaining. Please ensure these are paid before the end of the year.

Basketball and Miniball Uniforms
Please check to see if you have any of our basketball or miniball uniforms at home and return these to the school office before the end of term.

Our Posties
Thanks again to Jan and Mark who continue to deliver our school newsletter for us each fortnight.

Tipu Māia Kāhui update
Our term 4 newsletter covering the latest happenings in our Kāhui of schools can be found here. Maree is Lead Principal of our kāhui and Penny is an Across School Leader.

Your child will receive a Principal comment, general comment from their teacher and their graphs for reading, writing and maths in the final week of school via Hero.

John Parsons - Cyber Safety
Thanks to everyone that could come along to our session with John Parsons. He had some great resources, which are here for you to utilise.

Community Notices

Glenmark Twilight Netball
Starting Wednesday 14th February at 6.30pm then every Wednesday for 6 weeks until 27th March. Entry for team $120 or individual $20.

Please have entries in by 9th February to or contact Jess on 027 460 4944.

Maree Lucas